Like my start in Dublin, my start to Pennsylvania was joined by trouble. After a night without sleep but with a lot of goodbyes, tears and struggles with my suitcase, I arrived at Dublin airport only one hour ahead of my flight. My suitcase was too heavy and I should whether pay 55$ or repack it. Desperate as I was, I just threw away all my shampoos and heavy things like that. Then I could finally run off to the 250 security checks I had to pass, including fingerprints and photographs. At the last security check, I could hear: “Passenger Antonia Luehmann, please come to the gate!” I just smiled at the security officer and said: “That’s me!”
Finally arrived at the “big red Dick”, the first weekend was overwhelming. Packed with orientation meetings, I had no time to settle in. But at least I learned where to report sexual assault and how important the use of hand sanitizer is. I felt very orientated.
The classes started directly after that weekend and already in the first week I knew I’m gonna have to work hard here. A lot of work is waiting for me. But also a lot of fun…
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